• If you are citizen of an European Union member nation, you may not use this service unless you are at least 16 years old.



Page history last edited by PBworks 18 years, 3 months ago
Paragraph and the Writers Junction are part of a growing number of members-only centers springing up in writerly metropolises like New York, Boston and Los Angeles. For $100 a month, on average, members secure the right to a desk, a lamp and a power strip in a shared space where they can ply their trade day and night.


  1. whore out w/ major sponsorships (changing per month?)
  2. subscribe to a desk (1 day a week, 2 days a month, etc)
  3. gym-style membership (quarterly, monthly?)
  4. donations (after two hours of wifi, we start nagging!)
  5. sell stuff (food, shirts, software etc) -- distribution channel
  6. the apple store of cafes
  7. sponsorship (by month)
  8. corporate use of the space on weekends, etc
  9. follow 1366 mission st event-rental model...
  10. something like a $5 downpayment on a seat, ordered through the web the night before is more reasonable... basically you book a seat like you would reserve one on an airline.
  11. pay your own utilities (pay for what you use, maybe with 1% surcharge)
  12. contribute/donate your AdSense, Amazon referrals
  13. sponsors listed on website?
  14. projects built/hosted on coworking datacenter (referrals)
  15. Coop model?
  16. Incubator
  17. Datacenter
  18. Hosting of projects/filesharing
  19. PlaceSite + Hosted application for RitualWorking
  20. Charge for use of printer (/plotter?) by folks in nearby cafes
  21. Become an officially licensed medical-marijuana outlet. Grow pot in conference rooms and between desks. This provides another magnet for corporate sponsorship $s: we could sell them branded schwag weed (pot brownies shaped like the Microsoft butterfly, GoogleBluntz, etc.) for corporations to hand out at conferences. (At least, at conferences in Amsterdam).
  22. Use a condo association model, where the members pay in more than their rent is worth to start amassing a reserve fund for incidentals, etc.
  23. Rent out cafe space (a coffee counter, snack counter, etc.) in Teh Space
  24. The "anchors" make sure the rent is always paid. Anyone can come work. We have a page that suggests a day rate (including bulk rate) with a paypal button. Users should simply be honest and pay what they think is fair. Anchors will know who is not keeping their side of the bargain.


From 03/05/06 Conference

  • A group of us should fork over the cash and we subsidize a common area. If you pay for space and you don’t show up, you lose it.
  • Semi fluid zones for walk-ins from coffee shop. Pay by the hour.
  • Other area is reserved in advance.
  • (30% of space for private office environment?)
  • Weighted usage rights based on where the money is coming from.