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Coworking Berlin

Page history last edited by Silvia Steude 2 years, 3 months ago


All Coworking Spaces Berlin


"tuesday coworking" - Berlin's Boutique Coworking Spaces


tuesday coworking, Bundesallee 187, 10717 Berlin-Wilmersdorf


tuesday coworking is made up of three cosy, quiet, relaxed and independently owned & operated coworking spaces in Schöneberg & Wilmersdorf, Berlin which are open to flexible individuals or teams in need of an office infrastructure without the distractions of home.

We like to see ourselves as the sustainable space for the neglected freelancer. Our members come from different walks of life - architects, mathematicians, IT girls & guys, teachers, translators, storytellers, all sorts! We organise a variety of community events every week so people can get to know and learn from each other.


Monthly Membership Plan Feurigstrasse 

Belziger Strasse

(includes access to Feurigstrasse)
(includes access to Feurigstrasse & Belziger Strasse)  
Flex 50 (20 hours/week:    €99  €109  €119 
Flex 100:   €179  €189  €199 
Fixed Desk:  €269  €279  €269

All prices excluding 19% VAT


If you want, you can arrange a free trial day with us here: 

Our Schöneberg spaces:

Feurigstrasse 51, 10827 Berlin
Belziger Straße 69-71, 10823 Berlin

Our Wilmersdorf space:

Bundesallee 187, 10717 Berlin

Opening hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00-18:00 

Members have 24/7 access to our Feurigstrasse and Bundesallee spaces



St. Oberholz – The Coworking Legend in Berlin since 2005


COWORKING AT ST. OBERHOLZ MEANS HETEROGENEITY AND EASY ACCESS. PLUG AND PLAY. We see ourselves as priests of the power of possible. Our prayer: the heterotopia of place and space. Place and space are essential and stories are a source of inspiration: at two of our three café locations, we have taken the old and infused it with the new to create places that house coworking spaces, team rooms and apartments. 


Since more than twelve years there is the St. Oberholz at the Rosenthaler Platz. Meanwhile, the café is a solid institution for people in gastronomy and culture in the German capital. Today, it's hard to understand how revolutionary the concept of a café where people can work was back in summer 2005. But the founder couple Koulla Louca and Ansgar Oberholz broke more than one existing convention of gastronomy. They for example used long tables where people were forced to sit together with other people while they had free power and WiFi access. While cafés can be crowded and noisy, coworking spaces are professional work environments where people can work with focus. Our first coworking space is on all the three floors above our famous café.


The second St. Oberholz in Zehdenicker Strasse 1, just 5 minutes from the first house, which has become Berlin’s first milestone of the worldwide Coworking movement, is designed as the prototype of a modern coworking space. The hot-desking area is one large room, giving coworkers get a better feeling of being in one community. The lobby, with telephone box, break-out area and a conference room, is connected in a right angle. Where the two rooms meet is a big window that let people see what happens in the attached café which is designed as a coffee lab. On the other floors of the house are team rooms and on top three apartments that can be used for events or stays. This creates, beside the horizontal coworking community of the open hot-desking area, also a vertical house community. Members have access to the whole house and every floor.


You will find more details on our website sanktoberholz.com/coworking.



juggleHUB Coworking


We are a coworking and event space with flexible childcare located in Prenzlauer Berg. We have seen firsthand what a positive affect the presence of children has on our coworkers, even those without kids! Everyone feels happy and relaxed. It is our mission to create a space where EVERYONE is welcome and where the society as a whole is reflected. We can learn so much from one another, but only if we get rid of the boundaries that separate us (people with kids - people without kids - kids themselves - older generations, etc.).

At juggleHUB you will find a professional, friendly, and inviting environment with all necessary amenities to get work done. Our Wi-Fi moves fast (up to 1000 Mbit/s) and our coffee tastes good (Coffee Circle). We host lots of interesting events, meetups and workshops. Our monthly Eat & Greet breakfast, which always includes a free workshop, attracts lots of diverse people including our members, of course. Our weekly community lunch prepared by our fabulous Rita has become an event not to be missed.



And here some facts and figures:


  • 20 flexible work stations
  • 1 team office for teams from 2 to 8 people.
  • on-site Café
  • members kitchen
  • 3 meeting rooms of various sizes
  • childcare room
  • nap room
  • 3 sunny balconies


We offer half- and full-day passes, flexible memberships with varying amounts of hours up to full-time, and childcare by the hour.

Come by and check us out from Monday thru Friday 9 am until 6 pm. We look forward to meeting you!


juggleHUB Coworking

Christburger Str. 23

10405 Berlin



[email protected]







Ahoy! Berlin

Ahoy! Berlin is a space for co-working and collaboration, where individuals and companies can rent fully equipped work stations, quiet offices and organize events under flexible terms. Over 2.000 square meters for hard work and serious play!



Wattstraße 11

13355 Berlin

Tel: +49 (0)30 20849740

Mob: +49 (0)173 7079148       

[email protected]

Opening hours: Mon-Fri 9am - 6pm


Der Salon Coworking

Gemütliches Coworking, mitten in Rixdorf, direkt am Böhmischen Platz in Neukölln (12055). Zusammen arbeiten, sich kreativ austauschen, Filme gucken und Tischtennis spielen (Arbeitszeit ist Lebenszeit!!) Wenn Du Lust hast, in unseren Wohlfühltempel miteinzusteigen (gerne auch Filmschaffend aber muss nicht:), schreib einfach eine mail oder ruf an und komm bei uns vorbei. Es gibt auch einen Schnittplatz / Schnittraum / Color Grading Suite für Filmschnitt / Videoschnitt und Farbkorrektur / Color Grading.

Cosy Coworking in Rixdorf, right by Böhmischer Platz in Neukölln (12055). Working together, creative exchange, watching movies and playing ping pong. If you want to become part of our wellness working temple, drop us a line or call and stop by to check us out. We are mostly in the film business but that is by no means a requirement. In the back we've got a place for editing / color grading.



Links / links

Mehr Fotos, Infos, Preise unter www.dersalon.berlin
Karte/Anfahrt hier

Kontakt / contact

Der Salon Coworking
Schudomastraße 45
12055 Berlin Neukölln
[email protected]



ESDIP Berlin

We are a small creative community. Our aim is to encourage and inspire people to be active creators.
ESDIP Berlin is a 320 sqm space divided in 2 floors, in a beautiful building.  Big glass-wood door entrance, high ceiling, big windows, columns... industrial style. We use our beautiful space as a coworking, art school, art gallery and event space.  We have 50 workstations, two kitchens and one meeting room. We are a small relaxed community, and not too overcrowded!

Fixed and flex desks. 24/7 access possible. 
Pets are welcome!

Grünberger Str. 48-B
10245 Berlin
hi (at) esdipberlin.com
Opening hours: Mo to Fri, 10am to 7pm







 Open plan office space in the top floor of a 1912 building right opposite the historic Tempelhof airport with roof deck and splendid view over Berlin.


Airloft Berlin is located on the 5th floor right opposite of the historic Tempelhof airport building. Airloft offers ample office space with a large open plan office and kitchen. The roof deck has a splendid view over Berlin and offers seating and barbecue for breaks or an afterwork drink.

Airloft is ideally suited for freelance professionals, home office based employees as well as small startup teams. Pricing is structured as an "all-in flat" and you are free to use all facilities and equipment provided.


Mo-Fr access, 24h possible after 2 months membership.


Price: 245€ per month

Includes all you need and want. (desk, internet, coffee, printing, meeting room).

All shared resources available on our "within reason / live and let live policy".



Airloft Berlin
Dudenstrasse 6
10965 Berlin


Tel. +49 30 922 78 704
Fax +49 30 966 01 694

[email protected]


twitter: @airloftberlin

FB: http://www.facebook.com/airloftberlin?ref=ts&fref=ts


Public transport:
U6 Platz der Luftbruecke
Bus 104

Also nearby:
S45, S46 Tempelhof + Berlin-Suedkreuz
S1 Julius Leber Bruecke



Atelier Äuglein logoAtelier Äuglein

Atelier Äuglein is an alternative coworking project offering around 7 places fitting various needs. A dedicated desk costs 80€/month - with the possibility to share it for part-time use.
Deskplaces are suitable for any computer-centered activity (multimedia artists, designers, researchers, hackers...), with a discount price for students, artists & starter professionals.
The Atelier is also hosting small events from time to time (workshops, meetings, screenings...)
Price is with all included : fast WLAN/DSL, landline, mail service, 24/7, web hosting.
It is located in the quiet heart of Kreuzberg/Wrangelkiez, in the street linking Metro station U1 Schlesisches Tor and Görlitzer Park. Close by good&cheap lunch-possibilities and the 24/7 alive neighbourhood.

Atelier Äuglein

Feel free to ask for a visit, more info on the website :
Oppelnerstr. 12
10997 Kreuzberg




Workspace in Architecture Office

We are two architects and one civil engineer. Please let us know what business you are in. It would be great if there is some sort of connection between your and our profession. But most important for us is that we get along with each other permanently. Occasionally, we also organize events for our friends and clients in the meeting room which has a big shop window towards the street. The commercial unit has two operating rooms, a meeting room, kitchen and bathroom. For rent is one of the three office rooms. You can rent out the entire room for 280 € / month. Alternatively, it is also possible to rent a desk space for 140 € per month. costs for electricity, gas, water, internet are included in the price. Of course, meeting room, bathroom, and kitchen can be used by you as well.

Workspace in Architecture Office , coworking space in Berlin, Germany Workspace in Architecture Office , coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Weserstraße 57

Berlin, Germany




haptick is a 100 sqm place dedicated to interactive art and interactive exhibits in brand environments, exhibitions and science centers. Split into a gallery, tinkering and office space it offers a brand new renovated inspiring and creative work environment for people preferably from the same field. The main space is open and bright and facing the uprising Torfstraße in the "Sprengelkiez" in Wedding. There are some nice cafes and restaurants around and a nice river promenade is as close as the U9 station Amrumer Straße. The large window space and wide sidewalk offer a certain presence and can be used as well. The back room offers a nice tinkering space for two people, a fully equipped kitchen and a nice desk for common meals and hang outs. An additional big cellar gives some storage space and room for messing with paints or other creative stuff. The office part is limited to three desks in total and attached to the gallery space, which will come to live soon. So, if you are interested in and working with interactive, haptical and art stuff - this is your place. And if you are a cool geek, familiar with arduino and other techniques or happen to be a talented and experienced graphics designer, there might be a chance for some fruitful collaborations too. Finally and not to forget: a high speed W-Lan, a professional alarm system, an Italian coffee machine, b/w printer and some quite nice tools are available too.

haptick, coworking space in Berlin, Germany haptick, coworking space in Berlin, Germany haptick, coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Torfstraße 26, Berlin, Germany



The Base

We are four filmmakers looking for Co-Workers to work in our lovely office which is located in the heart of Berlin in the multicultural "Wrangelkiez" directly at the U station Schlesisches Tor. We are renting out work desks for 170€ plus tax . The room is bright and 25m2 big. You have free high speed Wifi, a kitchen, nice colleagues, and lots of small shops and diners where you can find a wide range of different food. 

thebase, coworking space in Berlin, Germany thebase, coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Skalitzer Strasse

Berlin Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg




Fix desk for people who want a quiet place to work. There will be a new 3D printer for use. Also a corner for fixing and buildings prototypes. Also everybody has a mobile file container with key for private things. The space will be new created and ready to go in at beginning November.

Adalbertstr. Berlin




Gubenerstrasse primervoto GmbH

Ein Netzwerk, eine professionelle Arbeitumgebung und Zeit und Platz zum abschalten brauchen wir alle um erfolgreich unsere Ziele zu verfolgen. Wir vermieten Schreibtische in einem neuen und hellen Bürogebäude in Berlin-Friedrichshain nahe der Warschauer Brücke. 

Beste Bedingungen also Bedingungen z.B. für Freiberufler aus den Bereichen  Webentwicklung, Web Design, Journalismus, Informatik, Architektur, Werbung/PR, und Medien. Eine ruhige Arbeitsatmosphäre, umfangreiche technische Ausstattung, Freizeit und Relaxing Möglichkeiten und fachliche Austauschmöglichkeiten sind die beste Basis für eine professionelle Arbeitsumgebung. 

Gubenerstrasse primervoto GmbH, espace de coworking à Berlin, Allemagne Gubenerstrasse primervoto GmbH, espace de coworking à Berlin, Allemagne Gubenerstrasse primervoto GmbH, espace de coworking à Berlin, Allemagne

Gubener Strasse 47

Berlin, Germany


BOA Coworking

BOA is a transformed Café that provides al services for a relaxed workspace. There is a perfect situation to work, make presentations or communicate around the Bar.

BOA Lounge, coworking space in Berlin, Germany BOA Lounge, coworking space in Berlin, Germany BOA Lounge, coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Innstraße 4

Berlin, Germany





Goodbye home office and overpriced work spaces! Goodbye boring incubators! Goodbye long-term contracts and high membership costs!

Whether you are a small or large startup, established company or lone entrepreneur, old or young, we want to give your business a home. With 300m² of space located right next to the Spree River in the creative neighborhood of Kreuzberg, with unique and vivid street-art décor, unternehmerhelden is the perfect working environment.

Each price plan is custom made for your needs so get in touch to discuss yours; team plans by day, week or month available. Try a desk out for free if you're not sure :) 


Schlesische Straße 27, 10997 Kreuzberg

Berlin, Germany




Flexibel bleiben und entspannt netzwerken Laptop auf und los geht‘s – in der raumstation bleibt dank Testwochen und nur zwei Monaten Kündigungsfrist alles schön flexibel. Mit einem eigenen Schreibtisch, Schlüssel und damit Zugang rund um die Uhr finden hier aber auch all jene Freiberufler ein Zuhause, die in einem etwas stabileren Arbeitsumfeld arbeiten und Beziehungen aufbauen wollen. Warum andocken bei der raumstation? Eigener fester Arbeitsplatz mit 24/7 Zugang und maximal 10 Arbeitsplätze pro Stockwerk: Viel Sonne und außergewöhnliche Atmosphäre im historischen Berliner Fabrikgebäude. Ungezwungene Gemeinschaft und Networking-Aktivitäten. Flexibel bleiben mit 2 Monaten Kündigungsfrist und keiner Mindestvertragsdauer Interessiert? Jeden Donnerstag um 17.00 Uhr öffnet sich die raumstation in Moabit für Besichtigungen.

Raumstation, coworking space in Berlin, Germany Raumstation, coworking space in Berlin, Germany Raumstation, coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Stendalerstr. 4

Berlin, Germany


Salon Renate

Der Salon Renate ist ein Coworking Space in Berlin. Er hat einen Tisch frei. Wir sind ein Gemeinschaftsstudio in Neukölln, bestehend aus Designern, Programmierer, Steuerberter und Anderen. Zur verstärkung unseres Studios suchen wir einen kreativen Menschen, der einen Raum zum Arbeiten sucht und der interesse hat, gemeinsam unser Studio weiter auszubauen. 

Salon Renate, coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Weichselstrasse 65.

Berlin, Germany


United Urbanites by CIRCUS OF NOW 

United Urbanities is a fully equipped workspace in a loft in Prenzlauerberg. Free use of kitchen, printer, scanner, fax machine and internet are included according to fair-use-principle. People are welcome to work individually or share projects; synergies and cooperation are appreciated! Coworkers in the fields of graphic arts, 3D, motion graphic, illustration and programming extremely welcome!

Weekticket - 85€ 
Fixdesk (1 Month) - 180€ 
Teamroom (6 User) - 500€ 
Showroom (1 Hour) - 50€ 
Renderfarm (1 Hour) - 30€

United Urbanites by CIRCUS OF NOW, coworking space in Berlin, Germany United Urbanites by CIRCUS OF NOW, coworking space in Berlin, Germany United Urbanites by CIRCUS OF NOW, coworking space in Berlin, Germany

Pappelallee 24,

Berlin - Prenzlauerberg




Someone & Sons Studio

Someone & Sons has desks available to rent in our shared studio on Herrfurthplatz, in Neukölln, Berlin. There's a meeting/events room including presentation equipment and large conference table seating 10 people. There's also a communal kitchen equipped with cooking equipment and a coffee machine. Included in the price is electricity, Internet access, heating. There's also optional access to a landline telephone with your own number and the option of having a postal address for some additional charges.

You've got a few different options to choose from:

€170/month: A permanent desk all for you, includes keys for 24/7 access and insurance covering your electronics.

€95/month: Come and go as you please for up to 12 days out of every calendar month. Add €15/month for 24/7 access and the electronics insurance.

€55/week: 5 days in a row to sort out that little project of yours all at once.

€12/day: Pop in for a day on your way through town.

See more at http://studio.someoneandsons.net/



Agora is a multi-disciplinary platform and space that empowers entrepreneurial individuals driven by the urge to explore new ways of interaction in today’s context. We are dedicated to developing intelligent forms of relating to producing, working and living - artistically, socially and economically.


Not only an airport of ideas; making bridges, connecting talented and engaged people. Agora is also an incubator; developing and supporting artistic, social, environmental initiatives.


What do we offer
We offer our members and partners the experience to participate in a creative community where artistic, cultural and entrepreneurial values are constantly reinterpreted and applied. We encourage the share of skills and knowledge, facilitating connections and empowering projects.

Much of our space healthily remains in constant flux. Every few days the tables and walls on wheels shift to incorporate a new art exhibition, workshop, lecture, performance, yoga class, organic food fair, debates, artist’s talks, film screenings and all sorts of cultural projects.

Agora CoWorking Prices:

Desk: (Mon-Fri 9am-6pm):

1.   Fix Desk: 1 Month €110  + 19 % MwSt (€20,90)

      Total: €130,90

2.   Daily Desk: 1 Day €12      + 19 % MwSt (€2,28)

       Total €14,28


1.   24/7 Access: 1 Month €30 + 19 % MwSt (€5,70)

      Total: €35,70

2.   Locker: 1 Month €30           + 19 % MwSt (€5,70)

       Total: €35,70

3.   PostBox: 1 Month EUR 20    + 19 % MwSt (€2,80)

       Total: €23,80 

Extras Offered @ Agora:

    • Artistic residencies;
    • Incubation for start ups
  1.  Common spaces for development and presentation of projects;
  2. Co-working desks;
  3. A café;
  4. Atelier spaces;
  5. Music room;
  6. Living spaces;

Extra Services:

  • spaces for events, exhibitions, workshops, performances, talks and conferences.

[email protected] | www.agoracollective.org |  

ClubOffice Berlin - Coworking Space Network

Deutsch: ClubOffice (http://www.club-office.com) ist einer der ersten und grössten Coworking Spaces in Berlin. Neben Arbeitsplätzen in Grossraumbüros findet man hier auch Arbeitsplätze in 2er Büros und Einzelbüros. Bei der Einrichtung der Räume wurde auf das Design und die Arbeitsergonomie sowie die Imagewirkung für die Nutzer geachtet. Die kürzeste Nutzungsdauer beträgt ein Tag (Preise ab € 9,90). Monatliche Mieter sind ebenfalls willkommen (Mehrtagesnutzungen pro Monat starten mit einem Preis ab € 69,90). Neben Arbeitsplätzen können bei Bedarf auch Konferenzräume oder möblierte Apartments gebucht werden. Bei Fragen oder für Buchungen kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit unter +49 (0)30 2000 350 20 ode kostenfrei innerhalb Deutschlands über die 0800 2 355 355 (Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cluboffice).

English: ClubOffice Berlin (http://www.club-office.com) is one of the first an biggest coworking space providers in Berlin. Besides workplaces in a openoffice environment you will find single and double offices with a great interior design and professional infrastracture. The shortest usage time starts from 1-day (price: € 9,90 per single usage - all office types). Rents on a monthly base are welcome (starting price € 69,90 per month). If needed you can book meeting rooms or a business appartment additionaly. For questions and bookings feel free to call +49 (0)30 2000 350 20 or toll free within Germany 0800 2 355 355 (Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cluboffice).


Neue Orte für neue Arbeit - Wir gründen eine CoWorking-Halle. Und nicht nur eine. Auf hallenprojekt.de sind im Wiki alle Infos zur Idee, zu Mitnutzungsmöglichkeiten und zu aktuellen Terminen.



It`s your Business, anywhere.





A former coworking space (2009 - 2017) now a space for events/UGs by night in Kreuzberg, located on two floors in a classic Berlin industrial building. Also head quarter of cobot and Berlins independent spaces.




Creative people need space and networks. We have desks or rent in our classy factory loft in Berlin-Friedrichshain. Perfect conditions, i.e. for freelancers in the field of Web, design, journalism, IT, architecture, advertising/PR, media and culture. Check us out at LAUNCH/CO Coworking Berlin Friedrichshain




betahaus I


High quality value is no longer created in classic offices. Added value is created in different locations, at different times, in changing team constellations and without permanent employment. This new type of work constantly seeks new real and virtual locations. Open, digitally networked and collaborative work places are required which are flexible and serve as incubation platform for network, innovation and production.

The betahaus is such a working space. It is a platform which meets the requirements of independent creative professionals and knowledge workers, and expands their opportunities. In a mixture of relaxed coffee house atmosphere and concentrated working environment we create room between work and privacy in which innovation and creativity is fostered.

We opened the first betahaus in Berlin (in Kreuzberg, directly on Moritzplatz, Prinzessinenstraße 19-20). There we offer on about 2,000 sqm room for innovations, creativity and professional working. We have WLAN, fixed and flexible workstations, meeting rooms, a telephone room as well as the betahaus café. Since 1 April 2009 about 200 freelance professionals from the creative scene have been working here: graphic designers, programmers, photographers, architects, designers, academics, lawyers, non-governmental organisations, translators, video artists, journalists and bloggers.


House of Clouds - Coworking und Bürogemeinschaft


www.houseofclouds.de, Wiclefstr.16/17, 1. Hof, Quergebäude links, 10551 Berlin, Tel: +49 - 30 - 39 74 34 25, Email: [email protected]

Nur 5min zum U-Bhf Birkenstr. und 8min bis S-Bhf Beusselstr. (Ringbahn)!


Wir bieten in unserem Coworking Space Büroräume ab 398€ und feste Einzelarbeitsplätze für 158€ an. Eine gute Vernetzung - ideal für Unternehmensgründer - ermöglichen eine Vielzahl von festen Kunden. Die Bandbreite reicht hierbei von Programmierern, Webdesignern und Fotografen bis zu Reiseanbietern, Verlagen und Übersetzern. Ein Arbeitsplatz (fest, nicht flexibel!) besteht aus einem großem Arbeitstisch mit viel Stauraum, Bürostuhl, Strom, VDSL50 Internetzugang und Fair-Use-Druckernutzung.
Büroräume sind auf Wunsch abschließbar. Kernarbeitszeit werktags 9:00-19:00, 24/7 Zugang auf Nachfrage möglich. Konferenzraumnutzung inkl. Eigene Parkplätze im Hof vorhanden. Die Nutzungsvereinbarungen sind monatlich kündbar!

Weiterhin bieten wir ein Mietfotostudio mit einer 2,80m breiten Hohlkehle und professioneller Fototechnik ab 12€/h Stunde an. Fotograf kann auf Wunsch vermittelt werden. Feste Kunden erhalten 20% Rabatt.


Satelliteoffice - Coworkingdesks an 4 Berliner Standorten





Infos unter: http://www.satelliteoffice.de/de/coworking_desk/



1. Satellite Office im Haus Cumberland
Kurfürstendamm 194, 10707 Berlin
030 700159500


2. Satellite Office im Cityquartier DomAquarée
Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 5, 10178 Berlin
030 700140140


3. Satellite Office Philip Johnson Building GmbH & Co. KG
Friedrichstraße 200, 10117 Berlin
030 800932000


4. Satellite Office am Gendarmenmarkt
Charlottenstraße 68, 10117 Berlin
030 700140200




Office Club Berlin Prenzlauer Berg is a highly communicative and attractive coworking space right in the middle of Berlin’s vibrant Prenzlauer Berg district. Apart from generous open space and lockable offices there is still enough room for a relaxed atmosphere and informal networking. The in-house Club bistro serves cold and warm snacks & beverages.

Presentations, lectures, seminars and all kinds of other events can be held in our well-equipped conference rooms or in the open front area with direct access from the street. All other basics for coworking are in place: Free WiFi, printers, scanners, copy machines, telephone boxes and much more. Additionally, each membership may be enhanced by all sorts of extras, e.g. coffee flat rate, lockers, a proper business address, company nameplates or 24/7 access. Being part of the coworking community is included anyway. Give your business a home.

Getting there: Thanks to its centrality in the very heart of Prenzlauer Berg (close to Schönhauser Allee) the space is very easy to get to, no matter how you want to come – by foot, bike, car or public transport.

All this has one major goal: To give people working from home or in corporate offices an inspiring surrounding and a good reason to leave their lonely desks behind to (co)work flexibly, creatively, conveniently and simply better. 

Office Club Berlin Prenzlauer Berg
Pappelallee 78/79
10437 Berlin


For more info go to our website (https://www.officeclub.com/en), give us a call (+49 30 22 33 44 55, Mon - Fri 9am – 6pm) or send an email ([email protected])!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OfficeClubHQ/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/officeclubhq
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officeclubhq/


Coworking Berlin

I am an American-born freelance web designer and developer with a lot of projects looking to meet other inspired internet nerds in my transplanted home of Berlin. I know you're out there, and I know the real estate is cheap here. So lets get together and find a solution to share ideas and space!

Put your name below and let's start some discussion:






Bieten Arbeitsplatz (Co-Working) in Medienbüro
Arbeitsplätze in 50m²-Raum. Mit Holzfußboden, Teeküche, Internet/VDSL/WLan, Couchecke, verkehrsgünstig gelegen im Kultur- und Bildungszentrum KuBiZ in Berlin Weißensee. 80 EUR Monatsmiete. Nutzung des Schnitt- und Grafikrechners (AVID Media Composer5, gängige Grafikprogramme), MiniDV-Kamera, Audio und Licht nach Absprache ebenfalls möglich

Kontakt: kontakt [at] medienwerkstatt-weissensee.de



Weserland Coworking Berlin Neukölln

Weserstraße 21, 12045 Berlin, Germany


Co-work, Co-Create, Collaborate.

Weserland is a cozy co-working space in the heart of Neukölln with a personal style that welcomes all of you – creatives, programmers, writers, students, journalists, artists, film makers, photographers, small business owners and startups or even a Berlin visitor who just needs a nice temporary & concentrated work atmosphere.


Weserland is home to a vibrant international community of early birds and night owls with 24/7 access and an italian espresso machine and club mate fridge.





tuesday coworking is a cosy, quiet, relaxed and independently owned & operated coworking space in schöneberg, berlin which is open to flexible individuals or teams in need of an office infrastructure without the distractions of home.

Our members come from different walks of life - architects, mathematicians, freelancers, IT girls & guys, teachers, translators, storytellers, all sorts!

We're looking to offer a homely alternative to the bustling, ultra-commercial coworking options, which seem to be taking over. As such, we focus more on community and culture than big bucks and business. So come over and join us at the 2016 berlin coworking space of the year and let's learn from each other!