Coworking Spaces in Lisbon

Located in the effervescent and creative area of Lx Factory in Alcantara, BALNEÁRIO is the ideal space for those who want to share experiences, work in a relaxing and friendly atmosphere and create a network of contacts, synergies and partnerships with other colleagues. Beautiful and lightning industrial space which combines a cowork space with a cultural center open to the public.
R. Rodrigues Faria 103 Pav.I-3.21

This is an old industrial borough now filled with dozens of creative businesses. There are three different workspace options, and various storage spaces. There is a kitchen with a coffee maker, refrigerator and a dining area. The work area is faces the Tejo river, and receives good light during the day.
- LX Factory | Rua Rodrigues Faria, 103 Edifício I - 4º Piso

- Brand new coworking space, born from our own need to have different work place other than home. We are willing and completely flexible to accommodate the needs of our guests.
- Av. General Norton de Matos, 59-B, Miraflores

- This is the most central (Av. da Liberdade) coworking space in Lisbon, a street crossing away from Blue and Yellow subway line and major Bus lines (Marquês de Pombal).
- Av. da Liberdade 229, 2

Coworking space of 225 m2. It’s a place of worship for entrepreneurs, for people who make a difference every day and people looking for a space to breathe freedom. It has a meeting room, training/Workshoop room, recreation area and kitchen.
Rua Cidade de Bolama Nº 38J 1ºD

Oficina Colectiva is a shared workspace, multidisciplinary, especially designed for freelancers in the creative arts. Here you can develop the entire creative process, from idea to the production of prototypes and even make an exhibition of your products in our gallery.
Rua do Poço dos Negros, 58

Located in Lisbon city centre, work'in Marquês is the answer to theever-increasingneed for newwork spaces in Lisbon. Work'in Marquêsis a coworking space whereprofessionals from differentsectorscandevelop their work.
Av. António Augusto de Aguiar 24, 1ºEsq.
Mar 03 2010
Yeah, Lisbon finally has some cool coworking spaces where you can meet a lot of great people, check it out:
-> CoworkLisboa
-> Liberdade229
-> CoworkPicoas
-> work'in Marquês
How we work at work'in marquês:
Join us!
If you end up here, but you are looking for a coworking space in Porto please check HubPorto :)
Sergio Veiga ( @darkua )
Feb 03 2009
A group of people is working to create a coworking space in Lisbon (downtown). Mainly people from web/tech startups and small companies, also unipersonal companies, freelancers. Diversity is interesting.
Your interest and collaboration are welcome:
[email protected]
I love the concept, it's pretty much what I wanted to start. I know a really really nice place (130 m^2 of space with plenty of rooms, sunny, with a really nice sight to the Tejo and the Ponte 25 de Abril) near TagusPark, Oeiras, one of the best places to start a technology venture here in Portugal. I planned to rent it to start my own works and share it with my friends but couldn't afford the contract conditions, it's relatively cheap but I couldn't compromise myself to the extent it was imposed.
I'm graduating next year in Computer Engineering at IST TagusPark and looking to start some project ASAP, if you have the same needs and find this interesting drop me a line: jacabado_at_gmailDOTcom.
Also any ideas how to sponsor something like this? I tought of giving some formation on technology to finance it.
I am interested in working at or setting up a coworking space in Lisbon.
Does anyone know of one or is also interested?
Let's do it! Please contact me at huffsteph AT gmail Dot com. I am a freelance translator.
I am interested too! I'm a freelance FreeBSD systems administrator.
Hello gentlemen!
I've been giving this allot of thought and I do have some ideas, including on how to sponsor this.
All these thoughts will go forth eventually but it goes smoother and faster if we work together.
Any way I'm interested! I'm a freelance graphic and web designer and you can reach me at vavillezATgmailDOTcom (pls refer to this wiki on your subject).
Also these ideas are all on ether for now so I don't really know who to contact or how to lay it out but I'll find a way and come back to you if you're interested.
all in one
29.04.08 (14:49)
Hello all,
How many people do we have interested then ?
Hugo - FreeBSD Sysadmin (me)
Stephanie- translator/subtitler (huffsteph AT gmail Dot com)
? - ?
What if we set up an informal meeting one of these days to talk about this ?
Meeting sound good to me, Hugo.
Cheers, Stephanie
VD from the startup 7Syntax presented at BarcampFCT the first (temptative) CoworkingLisbon space: