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Healthcare - DonationBasedHealthCare - CooperativeHealthCare - old content moved to HealthCareArchive
(summarization of discussion at Coworking Google Group your input here or there appreciated! :) )
Overview of Current Discussions
Two concepts have emerged from this discussion at Coworking Google Group about possible. These discussions are "US" (United States) -centric, because most other countries have at least farily equiable healthcare solutions (please correct us if we are wrong about that) :
- DonationBasedHealthCare - The idea here is that it is legal for us to give money to each other for pretty much anything we want to, so it becomes a matter of figuring out how we can give each other money in an equitable, not-for-profit way, that can
systematize some aspects, and can build on inherent trust in local community groups. See DonationBasedHealthCare page itself for more info.
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