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The Club eFactory Experience!

Page history last edited by Club eFactory 15 years, 11 months ago



The eFactory opportunity requires commitments from those who see the value in working side-by-side with fellow entrepreneurs, having access to critical business services, access to training and coaching, availability to financial resources, and being involved in the beginning of something that is going to make a huge impact in the entrepreneur industry.

We will have limited office space in Phase I of the eFactory program and will fill them first come, first serve; however, our goal is to fill the spaces with a diversity of businesses and people who will create the “magic” that will develop and grow successful entrepreneurs and companies worldwide.

Co-working space starts at $50/month for state-of-the-art workspace and if you choose to occupy an enclosed contemporary office or workstation; lease start out at $500/month. These are ideal for small companies with one to four people who work together as a team.

All tenants are required to lease an office or workstation for a minimum of 6 months and no longer than 1 year; this is to allow those who participate to get enough training and coaching to move on to the next step and allow more companies to take advantage of the opportunity to experience eFactory and all it offers. Our co-working space is a monthly membership and does not have any minimum requirements.

eFactory is full-featured and will include the following amenities:


State-of-the-art office and work space


Office Receptionist (branded answering service)


Critical Business Services (accounting, public relations, IT, legal, and creative)


Local and long distance phone service (Digital telephone service and “private” lines)


All utilities (electrical, water, & sewage removal)


High-speed Internet


Access to training classes, coaching and seminars


Access to special CLUB E events


Access to office printing, fax and copier


Access to conference rooms




Entrepreneur environment

The location we are looking at has the following features:


15,000 SQ Feet - Two Story


State of the Art Security System


Fiber Internet - OC-12 On Site; expandable to OC-40


Cigar Lounge with Built-in Humidor


Workout Room with Shower


4,000 SQ Feet of Extra Buildable Space (we plan to add additional workstations and offices plus a 1500 SQ Feet Seminar and event room.


Plasma's and Projectors Throughout


Herman Miller & Hayworth Furniture


Drop Down - Raised Flooring


Data Center with Installed Cabinets


Full Kitchen with Roll Up Patio Doors


Office Music System










1st Floor Waiting Area

1st Floor Waiting Area


1st Floor Main Hallway

1st Floor Main Hallway


Front Lobby Stairs

Front Lobby Stairs


Center of Office Area

Center of Office Area


Workstation on 1st Floor

Workstation on 1st Floor


Cigar Lounge

Cigar Lounge


Main Workstation Layout

Main Workstation Layout


Kitchen Area/Rool-up Patio Doors

Kitchen Area/Roll-up Patio Doors


Managing Office

Managing Office


Main Conference Room

Main Conference Room


Enclosed Office 1st Floor

Enclosed Office 1st Floor


2nd Floor Enclosed Offices

2nd Floor Enclosed Offices


Server Room/Digital Telephone

Server Room/Digital Telephone


Main Storage Room

Main Storage Room


Entrance to Cigar Lounge/2nd Floor Waiting Rm

Entrance to Cigar Lounge/2nd Floor Waiting Rm


Walkway to 2nd Floor

Walkway to 2nd Floor


Workout Center with Shower

Workout Center with Shower