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Saved by Seeqnce Space
on September 5, 2011 at 5:35:14 am

Seeqnce is one of the fastest growing internet startup accelerators in the Arab World.

Operating from Beirut for the past 12 months, it has successfully brought together a 2000-strong community of entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and youths.

During that time, startups were launched and advised, workshops and policymaking seminars were facilitated, and overall a successful momentum was created that placed Lebanon firmly in the regional internet entrepreneurship race.With the launch of its new space in Hamra in August 2011, Seeqnce aims to become a hub where the various elements of the ecosystem come together and interact. The space is designed specifically to stimulate startup innovation, thought leadership and community growth in the web & mobile industry

"Having been parachuted into the MENA region, I hit a fundraising wall. Then I met Seeqnce and got a $200K loan a month later. Now that's acceleration" 
Karim Safieddine, Founder and CEO,


The Case for Accelerators

The development of a thriving internet industry is critical to reducing unsustainable unemployment levels and creating opportunities for the annual 10 million new entrants to the Arab World job market. Simply put, it's the new companies that create the jobs that will fulfill the aspirations of youths.

As a startup catalyst, Seeqnce combines two environments: A Coworking Space, where resident startups work, collaborate and share knowledge; and a Community Space, where students, partner corporations and professionals participate in Seeqnce initiatives and interact with the startups.

Such an envrionment and set of activities follows best practices established with resounding succes by the likes of Y combinatorTechStars among others.

We believe that, to foster an ecosystem, Seeqnce has to become a nexus of activity and people. To encourage the spread of ideas and the spark of entrepreneurship, students should be rubbing elbows with entrepreneurs and a student-entrepreneur-investor feedback loop must be sustained, advised and grown.

This is the core mission of Seeqnce.