
Technoport Business Incubator

Page history last edited by Olivier ZEPHIR 11 years, 1 month ago

The Technoport is the national tech incubator of Luxembourg and is internationally recognized as a BIC (Business Innovation Centre) providing integrated entrepreneurial support through incubation, co-working and Fab Lab support services. The coworking space is accessible to entrepreneurial individuals and teams registering to the proposed service package. The coworking packages provide flexible formulas to access the shared office infrastructures. The Technoport coworking is part of the Coworking visa program. 

The coworking events: 

The coworking space is also an expression arena for the creative communities, for setting up hackatons, jams and other creative happenings. Events are supported by the Technoport to gather the creative and entrepreneurial minds to consolidate a dynamic innovative environment. Such coworking activities stimulate the networking as the business relationships. Follow our current news feed to be informed of the various coworking events that are hosted: Start-up week-ends, BBQ Game Jams, Apps foundry contest. Feel free to contact us if you wish to set-up a co-working event.       

Coworking space for living labs: 

The Technoport coworking space is the ideal platform for bringing innovative business ideas and concepts though user/early adopter participation. A living lab is an open user-centred development process where targeted users & potential interested parties of a product/service concept are invited to interact and test the proposed product/service value. Setting-up living labs aims at supporting entrepreneurs decision-making process in the product/service design lifecycle and value proposal validation. , check the living lab section for more details.  

Contact details: 



Twitter: @Technoport_Lux

9, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
Phone: +352 54 55 80 - 1    Fax: +352 54 55 80 - 555

Logo: Technoport SA